What are the various hours and days calculations available in Truein?

Worked Hours:
Worked Hours are the total actual time staff has spent working. This is calculated based on the configuration in your Truein account ‘Settings → Other Config’, which can be either the time between the first Clock In and the last Clock Out or the sum of multiple Clock Ins and Clock Outs throughout the day.


Regular Hours:

Regular Hours represent the total ‘Worked Hours’, excluding any overtime hours.


Paid Break Hours:
Paid Break Hours refer to the duration of breaks that are considered part of the workday and for which staff is compensated. These breaks are included in the total payable hours.
You can configure paid break hours in the web dashboard. Navigate to: Settings → Break Time.


Unpaid Break Hours:
Unpaid Break Hours refer to the duration of breaks during which staff is not compensated. These breaks are excluded from the total payable hours.
You can configure both unpaid break hours in the web dashboard. Navigate to: Settings → Break Time.


Overtime Hours:
Overtime hours are the extra hours worked by staff beyond their regular working hours. These hours are calculated based on the organization’s overtime policies, as defined under Settings > Policies.


Payable Hours:
Payable Hours include all the hours for which staff is to be compensated. This is calculated as: Payable Hours = Regular Hours + Overtime Hours (with multiplier calculation) + Paid Break Time.


Present Days:
Present Days count the total number of days a staff member has Clocked In.


Payable Days:
Payable Days are the total number of days considered for payroll purposes. This includes both present days and other paid-off days such as weekly offs, leaves, and holidays. You can configure whether other paid-off days are considered in payable days or not using Truein attendance policies.


Man Days:
Man Days = Total Actual Time Spent / Standard ‘work hours’ in a day.
The default value for ‘work hours’ is configured as 8 hours, and you can change it in ‘Settings → Other Config’.


Overtime Days:
Overtime Days = Total Overtime Hours / Standard ‘work hours’ in a day.
The default value for ‘work hours’ is configured as 8 hours, and you can change it in ‘Settings → Other Config’.