How to make shift scheduling and job mapping a breeze?

If you run an organization that requires workers to come in at different shifts, it can be a hassle to track their shifts and attendance. Often the HR or admin department uses a manual register to all...
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How does face attendance win over other biometric systems?

Traditionally companies have used the thumb-based attendance system, which served as a good substitute to card-based systems. Neither of them were perfect and faced many setbacks on reliability and se...
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How retail chains are solving the age-old attendance & compliance problem?

It is (relatively) easy to track attendance in a corporate park or branch. How do you handle attendance tracking and compliance when you have dispersed outlets with varying staff strength of ten to fi...
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Why you don’t need to install attendance machines?

When companies evolved from paper-based attendance to one that was technology enabled, they were asked to install machines for card swiping or thumb imprints. Once upon a time that felt like an obviou...
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How does Face Recognition Technology work?

How easy is it to identify a person you have met before? Usually, very easy! You may say it is because you remember him. Technically, your brain is matching it against a memory it has. Face recognitio...
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