Attendance management is among the prime duties of the HR department. Automated attendance management applications like Truein can make it easier to record attendance. Automating attendance recording and payroll management is not the only benefit of adopting such systems.
Attendance regularization is another crucial advantage that automated attendance systems offer. Let’s understand why there is a requirement to regularize attendance and how vital attendance regularization is for any organization.
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What is attendance regularization?
Attendance Regularization is a feature in the time and attendance management system that enables employees to correct the ‘in’ and ‘out’ time. This is an important feature required to introduce flexibility in the workplace.
Suppose your company uses a biometric system for attendance recording. If an employee has to leave for some fieldwork or attend a meeting with the client, in the absence of any option, the attendance system will mark them on leave. Their inability to mark attendance will wrongfully lead to a pay cut.
To overcome the issue, employees will have to contact the HR team to inform them about their situation, who will correct the attendance. The whole process is tedious. A better way is to provide an attendance regularization option to the employees to correct their work hours if required.
Attendance regularization is also “Work from home” friendly. When working from home, employees have to step out of work from time to time to attend to their kids, pets, or some other responsibilities. In such a scenario, they have to clock out and later clock in to complete their work shift.
But as they have not worked continuously, they have to regularize their attendance to make sure they get paid for their hours.
Should leaves and missed punches not marked be regularized?
Organizations should have a policy stating that employees should apply for regularization before the end of the month. If they are not regularized, you should have an appropriate rule policy that states application will not be accepted or one that results in disciplinary action.
This is essential to ensure that all leaves and attendance punches are accurately recorded and marked on time to avoid any potential issues or misunderstandings between employer and employee.
How can Truein help to regularize attendance?
Truein is an AI-based face recognition attendance system that makes attendance regularization a simple task. Companies can record all attendance and leave related activities into a cloud database through Truein’s user app or web interface.
This attendance system allows both employees and HR managers to initiate and complete attendance regularization.
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Attendance Regularization Email Template For HR Managers
You can use the below email template to give feedback to an employee attendance regularization request.
To: Name
Work Address
From: HR Manager
Subject: Feedback Regarding Attendance Regularization Request
Please consider this letter feedback of your concern regarding attendance regularization. As reported in the attendance records you worked for a total of ______ hours on ______. According to your request the total working hours are updated to _______ hours.
Your continued level of good attendance is greatly appreciated. We expect you will keep up the good work. This attendance regularization update will be including in your performance appraisal in the area of “attendance”.
Your good health and presence on the job are very important to us and are essential for the smooth operation of the department.
Thank you.
________________________________________ ________
Employee’s or Representative’s Signature Date
cc: Personnel File
Labor Relations
You can also include any information regarding their performance, attendance, leaves or any additional comment related to their payroll.
Apply and approve regularization requests from Truein User App
It is straightforward to apply for attendance regularization from the user app.
- Employees can open the Truein app and scroll down to ‘Quick Actions’
- From the menu, select ‘Request Correction in Attendance’
- To apply for attendance regularization, select ‘Request Correction’
HR managers can approve or reject the regularization request with the same ease. Follow the above three steps, and in the Regularization menu, select ‘Manage Employees Regularization.’

Manually regularize employee attendance
If an employee forgets to clock in or out, Truein allows managers to regularize their attendance manually. To do so:
- Open the Truein Web Dashboard
- Go to Attendance Log
- Select the date
- It will open a list of employees, search for the respective employee
- Select ‘Edit In Time’ or ‘Edit Out Time’ and update accordingly from the right column.
Truein also allows for attendance regularization in bulk. You can know more about this option here.

Attendance regularization ensures that employees get paid for the hours they put in at work. If your organization still lacks the attendance system that allows easy attendance regularization, switch to Truein. Schedule a free demo today and see it in action!