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Contractual and Distributed workforce Time & Attendance has these age-old problems!
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Mobile based attendance

Why do you need automated attendance system for your ‘contract staff’?

Do you hire contract staff on hourly, daily or fixed contract wages? Such staff is not permanent and they change too frequently to invest in proper attendance protocols. Often companies don’t even create RFID cards. Contract staff attendance is almost always done manually with a register and pen.

It may not seem like a huge problem first. However, when you calculate the leakages it causes in the system and the financial impact of it, it becomes an issue worth looking into.

In case of manual attendance, there is no way to really check or backcheck who was present. Friends often punch attendance for each other. So, you might have only 100 contract staff present on a particular day but you may be paying for 120. If you extrapolate this for the entire year, the annual cheque for leakages may be huge. 

2. Manual attendance overheads:

Manual attendance is just what the name says – powered by people. People need to watch over the attendance process and be vigilant when the contract staff is signing the register. You need people to manually tally all the attendance and feed it into the computer.

You need more people to compile it and create reports for the management or payroll. The entire process is tedious and takes manpower for the management of it. All these easily add up to your expenses.

3. Monthly report generation:

There is no way you can know attendance aggregates of your contract staff on a daily basis because somebody will have to compile it. That means you won’t be able to drive compliances or enforce rules. By the time you come to know about gaps, it will be month end.

Most companies build a frequency of monthly reports for report generation. It is only at month end that you see the tally of attendance across offices and across regions. Decisions, finances – everything has to wait. 

4. Reconciliation:

There is a minimum loss of 5 mandays, spent only on the reconciliation or compilation of manual attendance registers across offices or regions. It is not just about time loss; it is about money loss too. Manual compilations are prone to errors and even a digit error can be an entire day’s worth salary lost or gained. 

Face attendance is the solution to all manual attendance woes

1. Easy onboarding:

Contract staff may change frequently. So what? You can onboard them in no time with extreme ease on a face attendance system like Truein. 

  • You can upload all contract staff in bulk using excel on the web dashboard
  • You can upload them individually on the web dashboard 
  • You can take advantage of the self-onboarding feature of Truein. The contract staff can upload their selfie and get going with daily attendance

2. Mobile-based selfie attendance:

If your contract staff is always travelling for sales-like roles, you can ask him to lock his attendance through his very own phone and the Truein app. If you have a construction site, the workers don’t need a kiosk to mark attendance. Outdoor sites can ensure compliance through selfie-based mobile attendance. Remote site? No problem. Truein works offline too. 

3. Extreme transparency:

You know who is in and who is not on a real-time basis on your Truein app. You don’t have to wait until the month-end to see loopholes or compliance issues. Take action now and on a daily basis. Because the system records face attendance, there is no scope for buddy punching. Face is the best ID, afterall.

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4. Contract agency tracking:

You can track agency-wise attendance of contract staff. That way the hiring agency can be held accountable for meeting the required numbers and sending sincere staff. It is possible to share the tracking with the agency through user-level access and app access. There can be meaningful discussion around real numbers.

5. Quick deactivation:

If a contract worker is absent for too long, he can be deactivated from the system. You can easily blacklist or block troublesome workers too. If a worker is on vacation and comes back later, you don’t have to go through the onboarding process again. His previous profile can be reactivated.

Switch to face attendance systems

There is no entry barrier to this upgrade. You don’t have to install large machines or set up any infrastructure. Truein works on any mobile or tablet. Say goodbye to age-old manual attendance. Manual attendance costs you more than you think!

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