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Enhance Manpower Productivity and Efficiency: Discover 9 Effective Strategies

Manpower productivity and efficiency both are the key factors that determine effectiveness of the workforce within an organization. Productivity refers to the quantity of work whereas efficiency refers to the quality of work. Both are necessary for the success of business. This is why when manpower productivity and efficiency is the cornerstone of success for any organization, it becomes essential to take measures to improve it.

In this article, we explore what manpower productivity and efficiency underline, what is the difference between the two, and what steps can be taken to improve them to enhance organizational performance.

Manpower productivity measures the quantity of output or work accomplished by individuals, teams, or the entire workforce for a given input within a specific timeframe or using a set of resources. Manpower productivity quantifies how effectively employees or teams convert their input (time, effort, skills) into valuable output. Here’s how it is calculated:

Manpower Productivity = Total Output / Total Number of Employees

To better understand the concept of manpower productivity, let’s consider an example:

Suppose your company manufactures smartphones. In a given month, your assembly line workers collectively manufacture 10,000 smartphones. To calculate the manpower productivity of your workers, you will use this equation:

Manpower Productivity = Total Output / Total Number of Employees

Let’s assume you employ 100 assembly line workers. Then:

Manpower Productivity = 10,000 smartphones / 100 assembly line workers = 100 smartphones per worker

So, every worker produces 100 smartphones monthly on average for the given resources. This measurement tracking can help you gain valuable insights into how efficiently your workforce operates.

The significance of manpower productivity lies in representing how optimized your business operations are. A high level of manpower productivity suggests your workers are working efficiently. Conversely, low manpower productivity may indicate potential areas for improvement.

What is Manpower Efficiency?

Manpower efficiency measures how well resources are utilized to achieve the given output. Unlike manpower productivity, which primarily measures the quantity of output, efficiency evaluates the process of attaining that output to ensure maximum optimization of resource utilization.

To understand manpower efficiency better, let’s delve into an example:

Consider the customer support operation of a company. The support team handles 500 customer inquiries per day on average, and they manage to resolve 450 of them within the first interaction without the need for callbacks or escalations.

Here, we will calculate manpower efficiency as follows:

Manpower Efficiency = (Actual Output / Expected Output) * 100%

In our example, the actual output is 450 closed customer inquiries; the expected output is the total number of inquiries received, i.e., 500.

Therefore, Manpower Efficiency = (450 / 500) * 100% = 90%

Manpower efficiency is essential to optimize various business processes to reduce waste (time, effort, resources). It also ensures that the desired outcomes are achieved without unnecessary duplication or redundancy by emphasizing the quality of work and more efficient use of available resources.

Difference between productivity and efficiency

Due to the close relation between manpower productivity and efficiency, they are often used interchangeably. However, the two concepts represent distinct contexts of organizational management and performance. You must understand these two terms’ differences to manage business operations better.

1. Quantity vs. quality

The most crucial difference between productivity and efficiency is that the former measures the total output for a given output for a given period, and the latter measures how much of that total output achieved is of high quality. For the success of a business, both quantity and quality are necessary.

2. Output vs. process

Manpower productivity is entirely focused on the output and provides the answer to “How much did we produce?” On the other hand, manpower efficiency emphasizes achieving a particular outcome. It is concerned with how optimal are the results achieved.

3. Underlying costs

Efficiency measures the underlying costs, unlike productivity. It is possible to have high output without more efficiency, creating unexpected costs such as low quality or hiring more labor. For example, in the above example, if the workers start producing 150 smartphones per head per month, it shows increased productivity.

However, if many of the produced smartphones have quality issues forcing recalls and repairs, it will be an added cost for the company. In some cases, productivity might take precedence over efficiency, but efficiency remains crucial for calculating the price of a project.

The most successful businesses are the ones that have optimized both manpower productivity and efficiency. Here are some tips to improve productivity and efficiency.

9 Ways to Improve Manpower Productivity and Efficiency

1. Ensure utilization of renewable resources

In manpower productivity and efficiency, renewable resources are time and energy. Effective time management can help improve productivity.

Employees should learn effective time management techniques to prioritize tasks, set clear goals, and allocate time wisely to maximize output. Time tracking tools like Truein can be highly effective for improving time management in the workforce.

Additionally, your workers will be more efficient when properly rested and given regular breaks to recharge. Help workers maintain a healthy work-life balance and adopt stress-reduction practices to keep them more focused and productive.

2. Invest in manpower training programs

Equip your employees with the skills and knowledge they need to excel in their roles. When employees are skilled, they are confident in their roles, which boosts their morale and makes them more productive.

With training programs, employees have opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge. Well-trained employees are more capable of performing their tasks efficiently.

3. Increase in machinery and equipment

Upgrading machinery and equipment in your company is an effective strategy to improve productivity and efficiency significantly. It is crucial, especially for industries that rely on manufacturing or automation.

Modern technology can help automate most repetitive and monotonous tasks, saving costs on manual labor. With the adoption of technology like project management software, customer relationship management (CRM) software, and time and attendance software, companies can centralize data, automate tasks, and improve decision-making processes, improving efficiency.

Trim down the number and duration of meetings. Ensure that each session serves a clear purpose and involves only relevant participants. Unnecessary meetings can drain time and hinder productivity.

4. Skip excessive meetings

While meetings are essential for communication and collaboration, excessive or unproductive meetings significantly hinder productivity and efficiency. Managers should ensure that each meeting has a clear agenda and objectives. Only include employees who are directly relevant to the meeting’s purpose. Avoid unnecessary attendees.

5. Delegate and outsource

For optimizing resource utilization and improving productivity, delegation can be incredibly effective. Managers must be encouraged to delegate tasks based on team members’ strengths and capabilities. It is essential to ensure that workloads are balanced. It can help employees prioritize tasks by considering urgency and importance.

If you don’t have the manpower for non-core functions or specialized tasks, consider outsourcing to external experts or service providers. It can reduce overhead costs and provide access to specialized expertise.

6. Leverage automation

Automation can be a transformative tool for businesses, improving productivity and efficiency across various processes.

By leveraging technology, repetitive tasks such as data entry, report generation, and routine administrative routines can be easily automated. You can invest in automation software or tools that are tailored to your specific needs and can be integrated with existing systems you use.

7. Efficiently allocate resources

For achieving productivity and efficiency goals, efficient resource allocation is essential. Managers must practice prioritization to assign resources to projects and tasks based on their importance and alignment with organizational objectives. Prioritize those initiatives that have the most significant impact on strategic goals.

Businesses can also benefit from resource management software that facilitates resource allocation, scheduling, and tracking. This ensures that resources are used effectively and avoids overallocation or underutilization. 

Companies must also be flexible in reallocating resources as project priorities shift. Adjust resource allocation as needed to accommodate changing demands and maintain productivity.

8. Incentivize employees

A natural catalyst for improved productivity and efficiency is motivation. To keep employees motivated, companies can practice several approaches. Performance-based bonuses provide the incentive for enhanced productivity.

You can offer employee professional growth opportunities by offering training, certifications, or career advancement opportunities. Companies can also provide flexibility in work arrangements, such as remote work options or flexible hours, as an incentive to improve productivity and efficiency.

9. Encourage two-way communication

Effective communication is fundamental for improved productivity and efficiency. Foster two-way communication at the workplace by opening feedback channels. It will allow employees to provide feedback, share ideas, or raise concerns. Regular communication is also necessary for transparency. 

Communicate organizational goals, strategies, and performance openly with workers. Two-way communication builds trust and ensures employees understand how their work contributes to the bigger picture.

How can Truein help with improving manpower productivity and efficiency?

Truein is a comprehensive time and attendance management software that can play a vital role in enhancing manpower productivity and efficiency. Its cloud-based and hardware-less deployment can accommodate the requirements of growing businesses and startups alike.

Automating attendance tracking and integrating payroll systems reduces administrative overhead and minimizes errors in attendance records.

Its advanced reporting features provide real-time insights into attendance patterns, allowing managers to optimize scheduling and resource allocation.

Using Truein for your business, you can promote efficiency by simplifying the attendance management process, freeing up valuable time and resources for other critical tasks.

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Manpower productivity and efficiency are essential for the success of any business. When you understand the concepts and the differences between the two, you can implement strategies to improve productivity and efficiency to thrive in a competitive landscape.


1. How do you calculate the productivity of manpower?

Manpower productivity is calculated by dividing the total output or work accomplished by the number of employees. The formula is:

Manpower Productivity = Total Output / Total Number of Employees

2. How do you calculate the efficiency of manpower?

Manpower efficiency is calculated by comparing the output or work accomplished to the expected or desired output.

Manpower efficiency = (Actual Output / Desired Output) * 100%.

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