Time & Attendance for Contract and Distributed Staff
Every organization has its own reporting hierarchy structure, and the Truein system makes it extremely easy to set this structure.
To view the various roles and the features these roles have access to, you can select ‘View Roles’ in the Staff Directory on the Web Dashboard.
Web Dashboard: Staff Directory > View Roles
For example:
Staff: They can only view their own attendance.
Manager: They can view and manage their reporting staff’s attendance.
Admin L2: They can view and manage the attendance of all the staff and can raise requests for regularization for all those staff members who need to be approved by the admin.
Admin: They have the complete view and edit rights for the entire organization.
You can assign a role to the staff in bulk or to each staff member individually:
1. Assigning Role to Staff in Bulk:
In Truein Web Dashboard:
Web Dashboard: Staff Directory > Bulk Edit – Existing Staff > Click to download the Excel sheet > Select the “Role” field under the ‘Access’ section > Download Excel > Edit the details as required > Save and reupload the sheet back to the system to update the role details.
2. Assigning Roles to each Staff Member Individually (one by one):
Web Dashboard: Staff Directory > Action Column > Click Three Dots > Click Edit > Access Tab > Role > Select the Role