Time & Attendance for Contract and Distributed Staff
To use the Workforce Plan feature in Truein, follow these steps:
1. Access the Truein Web Dashboard.
2. Navigate to the “Workforce Plan” section.
3. Depending on your requirements, you can perform various actions such as Creating Shifts, Assigning Shifts, Creating Jobs, Assigning Jobs, Setting up Weekly offs and adding Holiday Policies.
4. To create Shifts, go to “Shift Policy” and click on “Add new shift” to specify time slots and details for each shift.
5. To enable automatic shift assignment, go to “Shift Policy” and click on “Add New Shift” to turn on the “Auto-assign shift for Clock-In within 1 hour of shift start time” toggle.
6. To assign shifts in bulk follow the below steps: Go to Web Dashboard > Workforce plan >Scheduler > Bulk schedule and download the Excel sheet > Populate the details according to your requirement and upload the sheet to assign shifts.
7. To create Jobs, go to “Job Policy” and click on “Add New Job” to specify the details for the job. You can also setup job-wise configuration while adding/editing a job.
8. To assign weekly offs, go to “Weekly Off Policy” and click on “Add Weekly Off” to enter the details and add the configuration.
9. To set up public holidays, go to “Holidays Policy” and you can setup the “Holiday Calender” and “Holiday Policy” for your organization. If you have multiple sites you can setup different Holiday Calenders at different sites.