Can I setup rule to round off working hours to the nearest 15 mins ? (Rounding policies)



Yes, there are rounding policies available for clock-in time, clock-out time, worked hours, and overtime hours.

Rounding can be done to the nearest value, on the higher side, or on the lower side.


  • Policy P44: Rounding-off Worked hours – When this policy is enabled total worked hours will be rounded.

e.g. Rounding is set to the nearest 15 mins, then worked hours will be calculated below

If worked hours is 7 hrs 35 mins, it will be rounded to 7 hours 30 mins

If worked hours is 7 hrs 42 mins, it will be rounded to 7 hours 45 mins


  • Policy P66: Rounding-off Clock In Time –  When this policy is enabled the clock in time will be rounded.

e.g. Rounding is set to the nearest 5 minutes, then worked hours will be calculated below

If the clock-in time is 8:57 am, it will be rounded to 8:55 am

If the clock-in time is 8:58 am, it will be rounded to 9:00 am


  • Policy P67: Rounding-off Clock Out Time –  When this policy is enabled the clock-out time will be rounded.


  • Policy P20: Overtime rounding policy – When this policy is enabled overtime will be rounded on the lower side

e.g. Rounding is set to 30 mins, then overtime hours will be calculated below

If overtime is 43 mins, it will be rounded to 30 mins